The Line Between Qatari and Lebanese Food

After looking at several blogs, “Taste of Beirut” founded by Joumana Accad grabbed my
attention because it relates to “Harees? Margoga? Machbos?” blog theme and because Lebanon
food quite similar to Qatari food. The blog collects all Lebanese food in one blog which makes the
viewers find any Lebanese dish easily.        
Design, layout, navigation:
It feels satisfying while reviewing the blog because it designed with bright colors: white, green and
orange. The most color included in the blog was white which represents safety and security.
Whereas green color gives the blog energy, harmony, freshness, and growth. The font of the text
was clear and comfortable to look at. The blog structured through varies tabs such as home,
contact, and cookbook. Inside the tabs, there are different text and photos to support them.
Additionally, the right margin of the pages include a subtitle for cuisine, courses and different
categories, bellow them a hyperlinked food name which makes it easier for the reader to find
the specific recipe.      
Audience, content, purpose:
Food lover curious about food blogs and recipes so they will enjoy looking at this unique blog.
The blog consists of various pages. Firstly, the home page included a summary of the entire blog
and some traditional food pictures as well. Secondly, about me page, Accad introduces herself
and she posted her photo standing beside a tree. Moreover, the next page contains information
about her book “Taste of Beirut” that she had published and she shared the whole book itself as
shown in the figure below. As Accad says “Learn how to bring Lebanese tastes and
techniques to your kitchen!” Which means that the book will teach the people how to
prepare Lebanese food. The blog introduces Lebanese traditional food and attract the readers
toward them.
Screenshot for the online book, you can move to the next pages by clicking on the arrow
Unusual features:
The tab named “Press” seems to be mysterious because the content of this tab is confusing.
Likewise, the Browse Cuisine section which located in the right margin containing many food
cuisines such as French and Italian which does not match the theme of the blog.
Brows Cuisines one of the margin sections that introduce different countries cuisines

Author’s credibility:
The blog looks credible because first of all the owner of the blog, Joumana Accad,
put up all her social media accounts and that makes the blog more credible than a blog which has
no owner. Secondly, Accad cites every picture, and video that she posts in her blog and she posts
the reviews that she received from the readers about her book which make the blog more reliable
and made the audience trust the blog way more.
"Mama's Lebanese Kitchen" blog and this blog have similarities and differences. Both of them
discuss the exact theme which is Lebanese traditional food. However, "Mama's Lebanese Kitchen"
more organized and the blog included an ingredient section to buy the ingredients from. Also, the
blog have an option for the vegan and vegetarian people which "Taste of Beirut" blog doesn't have.
What you like or dislike/ suggestions:
The organization of the blog and the light colors made the blog more secure. Looking at the
photos made me salivate and want to eat and that the purpose of the blog. The pictures and the
photo are large, so the blog will become better if she reduces the size of the photos. Furthermore,
all throughout the blog were ads. Advertisements ruin the aesthetic of the blog and distract
readers from focusing on the content of the blog. The blog will be improved if she removes the
advertisements at all. Even though the blog talks about Lebanese traditional food, the blog looks
more personal because Accad posts personal photos and texts in her blog. Concentrating only
on the theme of the blog would be more engaging for the audience.

All in all, “Taste of Beirut” well-designed blog which provided unique photos, recipes, and good
details provided to teach the audience how to cook Lebanese food skillfully.


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